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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ZC menuLIS..

hi readers..zue akan menulis sdikit apa2 saja mengenai dunia yg berkaitan secara langsung atau tidak dgn dunia perKAHWINan….well ini cuma utk tambah pengetahuan n sharing info larr..nothing else..


                                   picture frm here

kalu nak buat another blog juz to write about benda2 ni rasanya mcm x mnarik coz i’m doing something related then y not i do some writing too…tp its more pd pemerhatian hasil surfing n maybe in the future hasil pengalaman sdiri lak….bit by bit lar kan..plus i x pnadai bciter pjg2 actually..so kalu x pandai bciter mnulis pun agak kureng…anyhow nak giv a try juga larr

FYI utk writing ni, zue akan pakai bahasa rojak malay n english..asal org yg membaca faham jd lar kan…x mau too formal..nanti susah sdiri…silap aribula kena ada dictionary lak sblah…

so tunggu my 1st entry about what ya!!!…


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for using my artwork! :D I really appreciate it - hello to Malaysia! :D

Unknown said...

thanx a lot to u too Mel...know nothing abt art but for normal people like me, i like it for no reason is not so important is it...but the appreciation is a must!! use it to inteprete my 1st writing abt wedding matters.