this hantaran was made for dear Aizat engagement….nice person to get to know..
sireh junjung..
interested?? email me
this hantaran was made for dear Aizat engagement….nice person to get to know..
sireh junjung..
interested?? email me
favorite color of!! very synonym n close to our heart, rose is red n we choose is red too..our heart is red too..hahaha…so here it come another wedding gifts with red theme!!
from Raihana to Amirul…CONGRATS to both of them!!
sireh junjung in a white cage…
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here, me frm Zue’s Collections would like to wish all my dear future n previous customer Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf dipinta buat segala perkhidmatan yg terkurang atau sebaliknya!! semoga SYAWAL yg tiba memberi kita satu kenangan indah selamanya dan ikatan ukhwah yg terjalin sentiasa berpanjangan…..!!
bg yg masih mencari perkhidmatan gubahan hantaran..mari2 n sudi2 lar berkunjung ke blog ini dan yg sudah kenal, dipersilakan memperkenalkan ZC kpd mrk yg lain pula…;)
insyaallah after raya will upload hantaran customer2 lepas yg masih belum berkesempatan gambar2nya wait yer till after raya we meet up again..ok!!