e’ bouquet…small n simple for engagement…
interested….pls email me zuehafez78@yahoo.com
do u dare??? cheeewah…red n orange..what a great n brave combinations…moroccan style or color? well wateva it is, its nice n very vibrant color there….Eza is another brave cust..love to hv this color for her engagement n her fiancee Fariq – i follow..hehehe..to match with her moroccon concept dais…so we take a look on e’ hantarans 1st frm my loyal camera..
interested??? email me zuehafez78@yahoo.comlast weekend is another bz weekend for me..my BIL is having aqiqah for his 1st baby – Rayyan Raihan. its a last minute news i’ve got frm my MIL since she’s also bz of taking care e’ menantu …as simple as i can say is..its unplanning event for me n hubby..so this is what i can do for my BIL n wife..hope they like it..
for little Rayyan, mama n papa long just luv u…stay cute alwiz..
e’ set-up is simple but nice..for me larr….
this hand bouquet was made for Irma engagement….24/10/09..
interested?? email me zuehafez78@yahoo.comhi lovely readers n viewers…we meet up again in another posting of mine…
a tiring days with few orders to prepared in one fine great day Friday…i wish that time i have an helper…huhu..hehehe..day dreams larrr katakan…so for sure will not happen but i’m so lucky at e’ end of my work somebody is around to help me up. therefore thanx to my beloved mum n hubby…problem solver.
e’ order came frm Elni Nadra…a nice name for a nice n cheerful girl. ordered for her engagement on 13/12/09…so congrats dear Elni.
this is her with her beloved fiancee..
and her 3 tiers sireh junjung…
this bouquet goes to her, Nurul – 21/11/09…may it lighten up your day n outstand u frm e’ crowd as a focus that day!!
frm e’ lense of MR. PRO….this pictures is courtesy frm my dear Nurul…she really looks beautiful in that dress…n i’m glad overall not only her but e’ family n guess - luv my touch for e’ hantarans. thanx to nurul n her mother!!
interested?? email me at zuehafez78@yahoo.comanother tone of pink – dusty pink…sweet color which has been choose by Nurul for her engagement theme on 21/11/09. From her side is 7 trays which consist most of it is food..i guess engagement time is a time to serve with a lot n variety of sweet food..n when its come to wedding – the couple could spent a lot on their own needs /accessories. This can be a good budget, plus many relatives loves to contribute hantaran things..so this is the time. Don't refused it….
so i present u e’ hantarans frm Nurul to her fiancee…congrats n i wish we can work together again on your BIG day!!
interested?? email me at zuehafez78@yahoo.com